Formed by the Bryant family, the Xi Clan developed their communities near lakes and streams near the east coast. While most clans focused on military and/or religious discipline, the Xi Clan found themselves focusing infrastructure. The clan put most of their resources towards agriculture, irrigation, and shelter.
When compared to other clans, Xi's military could be likened to a militia. The military received the smallest amount of resources in the clan's budget, and their academy's main focus was on improving the quality of live for the clan.
With their competency in agriculture and stockpiling resources, they were often sought after by other clans for trade agreements. Unfortunately, due to their weak military, they were also often bullied into giving up their resources.
When the Alpha Clan became desperate for resources, they exploited Xi's weak military. Threatening them with extermination, the Alpha Clan demanded that Xi share half of their abundance of resources with them. Xi initially refused. To prove a point, the Alphas managed to publicly execute a Xi warlord. Xi leadership immediately agreed to Alpha's terms out of fear.
After several years of Alpha Clan abuse, the Xi Clan began looking for help. Most of the other Dragoon clans either were indifferent or didn't want to cross the Alphas. Zeta Clan was the only clan to show concern. Xi and Zeta leaders met and agreed to help each other: Zeta would provide Xi with protection, while Xi would help improve Zeta's infrastructure and supplement them with resources as needed.
When the Alpha Clan sent a company to Lamar (a major Xi city) to collect their share of Xi's produced resources, they were met by two battalions of Zeta Dragoons. A skirmish ensued, and the overwhelmed Alpha company fled before taking too many losses.
Alpha and Zeta leadership met to discuss the skirmish. The Alphas were furious and threatened the Zetas with war. The Zetas did not back down. With the lack of resources to fight a full scale war, the Alpha Clan reluctantly backed down.
Xi Clan leadership began to realize they will remain vulnerable with their lack of a competent military. With the two clans spectacularly getting along, the Zeta Clan proposed that they absorb Xi Clan, pledging to honor the prestige of their great families. Xi leadership humbly agreed, and the Xi Clan was peacefully dissolved.
The Xi Clan remains significant as it is the first extinct clan that was not forcefully exterminated, laying down an example for future clans to follow.