After humanity’s self-induced apocalypse the planet saw the arrival of a new life form. This alien species appeared to be refugees from some conflict in the cosmos and finding this world weak immediately preyed upon it. Their true name was seemingly too difficult for the human tongue to pronounce so they became known as the Vertansions.
Undisputed masters of the planet for centuries, they enslaved the surviving populace and set about destroying any trace of human history so their captives would have no concept of a world without their masters.
They renamed the continent of Australia to Roommenor, erecting temples to themselves and their strange deities. As their empire grew they called for more of their kind and further Vertansions arrived, bringing with them other strange enslaved species. Slowly they began to terra-form the planet, toying with our world as a child might with insects.
Their dominance might have lasted for a millennia if it wasn’t for the works of Evangelion and Malkeris, who enabled those enslaved to overthrow their masters.