One of the two beings to crash landed on our world during mankind’s self-induced apocalypse.
Of the two, Malkeris was more the scholar and found humans to be beautifully flawed creatures that he immediately pitied. Convincing Evangelion of humanity’s potential they set about developing a master race to guide and protect mankind. Enamored with the concept of free will, Malkeris mainly sought a solution in the field of organics.
Garnering a following due to his actions during the fall of the Vertansion Empire, Malkeris began realizing how strong man’s need for a god figure was. Becoming obsessed with this notion he pitches the concept of godhood to Evangelion but is rejected, leading to tensions rising between the two. Eventually it led to a drastic schism and Malkeris moved to the Western Reach and made his home in the Ivory Tower. It was here that he developed the chemical TXH and injected it into twenty-four of his more trusted followers, thus creating the first Dragoons.
Angered that Evangelion was continuing with his own work and programmed the Guardians with the directive to kill Dragoons, Malkeris began planning how destroy the Guardians and ultimately his former colleague. Scheming and manipulating he caused Divider to start the War of a Century.
However he failed to predict the breakdown of TXH in the Dragoons or the notion that free will also meant the choice not to worship him. As a result he began experimenting to create a new breed of Dragoon.
Malkeris' Forces[]
Within the confines of the Ivory Tower Malkeris has a vast array of creatures at his beck and call. Each of these living experiments compiles decades of research conducted by Malkeris and will gladly give their lives in service to him. Many of these beings are considered so vile and freakish that they would never be viewed as acceptable in traditional society.